Shadow Skill Overview
Skill 1 - "Void Arbitration": Shadow projects 4 Void Blades to attack targets, each inflicting massive damage. Whenever allied Heroes consume a certain number of bullets, a Void Blade is summoned to attack the target. Enemies hit by Void Blade take increased damage.

Ultimate - "Fearless Horizon": Shadow activates tactical goggles to open a virtual space for a set duration, enhancing all Heroes' damage within the area (with an additional boost for carrying WEAK-debuff weapons), as well as Void Blade.

If Shadow's Ultimate energy is full while a teammate casts their Ultimate, Shadow will automatically release the Ultimate in the background to assist.

Talent 1 - "Virtual Energy Consumption": Reduces the number of bullets required to trigger Void Blade.
Talent 2 - "Four-dimensional Slash": Every 4th Void Blade summons a Void Combo at the target location, inflicting multiple hits with massive damage.Each time a hero uses an active skill, their damage increases (up to 8 stacks, calculated separately for each Hero, effect not inheritable).
Talent 3 - "Psionic Collector": Void Blades incorporate a percentage of the Squad's highest attack stat into their damage. Improves Shadow's Ultimate energy recharge rate.
Recommended Attributes:
Talent - "Virtual Energy Consumption": The higher Shadow's critical rate, the higher the squad's overall damage.
Talent - "Psionic Collector": The higher Shadow's DEF Ignore attribute, the more damage the Squad deals to enemies with WEAK debuff.